Mission & Vision

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We understand that you have your own unique reason to travel; Himalayan Wander Walkers strive to build a community of holidaymakers by serving amazing travel experiences and the best planning advice.

  • To provide a warm, professional, and knowledgeable service to all clients, as well as to potential clientele.
  • We stand to offer an environmentally and socially conscious approach to tourism, hoping that in the future we help to create a comfortable relationship between the locals of destinations (Nepal, Tibet, and Bhutan) and the passionate traveler.
  • To have an ongoing aim to make our client’s lives a little happier through an encounter with Himalayan Culture. We work hard with our clients because we enjoy working with their dreams of visiting (NepalTibet, and Bhutan) and soon bringing them to life.
  • Clients are our friends. It is our mission to bring forth a high quality of personality and trust, in turn creating an everlasting memory of the Himalayan journey. We help the traveler as a friend would guide a friend.
  • Send you home with priceless memories and pictures of an amazing variety of experiences.
  • Help local communities retain their pride and livelihood through sustainable tourism.
  • Our objective in every case is to receive a testimonial letter that will bring the utmost satisfaction to our daily work environment. Word of mouth travels further than any advertisement and creates a never-ending chain of satisfied travelers.  

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