Important Information

Mustang Region Treks
17 Days
Max Altitude 4000 Meters
Best Season April-May
Activity Per Day
4-5 Hours Walk
Level 3
Group Size
2 - 16 people
Transportation Bus & Flight

The date for Tiji Festival 2025 and 2026 is already updated. The Tiji festival year 2025 will be celebrating on the 24th, 25th, and 26th of May. According to the lunar calendar, it is held annually for three days from the 27th to the 29th of the 3rd month every year. It is possible to do the whole trek depending on the teahouses. If you are planning this trek or tour in the year 2026 or later. Please inquiry us to know the exact date of this festival. We know the exact date of every year beacause we are locals from Upper Mustang. 

Tiji is a common name for Tenpa Chirim (bstan pa spyi rim). It is one of the most popular Himalayan festivals and it is also an awaited season for hundreds of spectators from every corner of the world. It is celebrated annually in the ancient walled city of Lo Manthang. The religious festival was introduced during the time of Ama Pal (the first king of Lo), the independent ruler of Lo and Ngorchen Dorje Chang, the exalted being who brought Buddhism to Mustang. Tenchi, the Vajrakilaya ritual was brought into practice during the reign of Lowo Khenchen, son of the 3rd independent king of Lo Tsangchen Tashi Goen. This festival is organized by a group of people including mediators or village chiefs from every village and the Monks of Chode Monastery. The festival was conducted successfully for a long time.  It is an old story about chasing the demons from the sacred land of Lo Manthang. The festival marks the end of the dry season and prayers for a fruitful harvest.  

This three-day ceremony is lit up with a colorful custom dress, dancing, music, and reenactments from the story of a deity and his demon father. 

What will happen in those three days of the Tiji festival?
Read day-to-day details of the Tiji festival here: Tiji Festival blog

We organize both private and group joining treks/tours for many years since 2017. Even during covid 19th we were able to organize trek for Tiji Festival. Many visitors choose us for Upper Mustang treks and tours because we are one of the most dedicated trekking and tour companies in Nepal, founded in the initiation of the enthusiastic young native people of Mustang and Rolwaling. Our all trekking staff is from Upper Mustang and our trekking guide will lead you in this Lo Kingdom sharing his cultural and traditional stories on the trekking trail.

REVIEWS of Tiji Festival Trip 

Radu; Uninted State, Flying Monk Film

"First of all attending the Tiji Festival was extraordinary. And the entire experience of the road all the way from Kathmandu to Lo Mantang was augmented by, Dawa from Himalayan Wander Walkers, a local from a village of Lo Manthang area who currently lives in Kathmandu. His knowledge of all places both in Lo Manthang and its surroundings was remarkable and it was a pleasure to hike with him throughout the entire area. I highly recommend his trekking services." 

Stephane Lamure; French 

"Nous sommes partis dans le Haut Mustang pour le festival Tiji pendant 15 jours avec HWW (Mai 2024). Ce fut un moment d'exception unique et mémorable. Depuis le début des échanges par mail, Dawa un des responsables de l'agence a su parfaitement communiquer tous les détails et informations relatives au trek pour son organisation.
Il a été un parfait chef d'orchestre et a su résoudre les soucis tout au long du voyage liés à des aléas que nous avons subi en raison de l'annulation de plusieurs vols internes. C'était vraiment un circuit ultra personnalisé avec une présence tout simplement parfaite. Cerise sur le gâteau et non des moindres qui concerne notre guide Norbu qui a été absolument extraordinaire. Une connaissance parfaite du Mustang, beaucoup d'humour et de sensibilité, une volonté de toujours être présent à nos côtés. Ce fut plus qu'un guide mais un réel compagnon pendant ces 2 semaines passées avec lui ! Et l'heure de la séparation fut pour le coup difficile.

Le trek au Mustang est un trek exigeant avec des randonnées parfois longues et à fort dénivelé. Mais les images sont exceptionnelles et resteront gravées à jamais.

C'est un trek qui en vaut vraiment la peine ! Une chose est sure : vous pouvez faire confiance à 1000% à HWW pour votre trek. Et surtout si vous faites un circuit au Mustang demandez impérativement à ce que Norbu soit votre guide. C'est un expert au cœur d'or !"
Read More reviews here: Trip Advisor

Explore the hidden kingdom of Upper Mustang beyond the great Himalayas. If you are looking for a different itinerary than the itinerary here please Customize Your Trip 

Highlights of Tiji Festival 

  • Trek in the shadows of Dhaulagiri and Annapurna along the Kali Gandaki River en route to Mustang
  • Pass through white-washed mountain villages, alongside colorful Buddhist shrines and temples
  •  Following 5 days of trekking, reach Lo Manthang, the fabled walled city of Mustang
  • Spend 3 days in Lo Manthang at the Tiji Festival – a vibrant Buddhist celebration with dancing and traditional music.
  • Experience the lifestyle of different people. (1N with Local homestay, 1N at monastery guest house, 1N at tea house)

Upcoming Tiji Festival Dates for the years 2024 and 2025 are given below in the Table.

S.No Tiji Festival Year Tiji Festival Happening Dates
1 Tiji Festival 2025 24th, 25th and 26th May 2025
2 Tiji Festival 2026 Inquiry us 
3 Tiji Festival 2027 Inquiry us


Outline Itinerary ( 17 Days )

Day 1

Arrival in Kathmandu 1340m.

Arrival in Kathmandu-Transfer to Hotel, Welcome assistance by Himalayan Wander Walkers representative at the Tribhuvan International Airport and transfer to hotel, rest at the hotel and briefing about the trip. 

Overnight accommodation is set with BB Plan.

Day 2

Full day Sightseeing tour around Kathmandu valley 1340m.

Heritage sites are the attraction which includes both natural and artificial monuments, listed by the UNESCO as an endangered property of the world. The heritage sites have their own unique features and value which differentiate from other sites. Explore the unique art and architecture, culture and tradition, unparalleled feature of the landscape of Nepal which is UNESCO listed world famous sites. For the detail information go through following itineraries. 

Overnight accommodation is set with BB Plan.

Day 3

Drive from Kathmandu to Pokhara 820m/ 5 to 6 hours

After reaching at Pokhara, you can explore the beautiful lake of Fewa, popular underground water fall named Davi’s Fall, Gupteshowar Mahadev cave and mountaineering museum. You can also take a boating tour to Tal Barahi Temple which is in between the lake. In the evening, you can take evening walk on the pleasant road of lakeside market and enjoy the Beautiful ambience.

Overnight at Hotel with BB based.

Day 4

Fly from Pokhara to Jomsom 2720m and trek to Lubra/lupra village (2972m).

Early morning, we have a flight from Pokhara Airport to Jomsom. This scenic adventurous flight takes about 18-25 minutes passing through the world’s deepest George, presenting spectacular mountain views of Mt. Dhaulagiri, Annapurna Ranges, and Fishtail with several famous peaks within the Annapurna and Dhaulagiri area from its both sides.  Jomsom is the beginning point of our trek. After landing here we will have breakfast and start our trek towards Lupra village, only Bon village in Mustang which takes about 2 or 2 and a half hours walk located next to Panda Khola. We can enjoy the majestic view of Mt. Dhaulagiri, Nilgiri, and Tukuche peak while walking in the opposite direction.

Overnight at Lodge.
Meal: (Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner)

Day 5

Drive to Samar and Trek to Sangmochen via Chungshi Rangjung Cave Monastery.

After your breakfast we will drive to Samar village via Kagbeni and Chuksang village which takes about1 hour and 30 minutes approximately. Kagbeni is the gateway to the controlled area of Upper Mustang where you need to show your permit and we will visit the monastery and town as well. The trek begins by cross a suspension bridge toward Samar sheepherd camp. After that we cross a side-valley, descending to its base and crossing over a creek before we trek all the way up again on the other side. About two hours from Samar crossing a Pass offering a good view towards Samar, the Kali Gandaki valley, and snow-capped peaks in the distance and will reach close to the river. We walk up through the stairs to Chungshi Rangchung Gonpa (sacred cave monastery). Buddhist well known Tantric master, Padmasambhava meditated here centuries ago. Inside the cave monastery, you will see spontaneous stone statues of Avalokiteshvara (Chenresig), Tara, and prayer beads. The trail goes through green bushes and soon the valley broadens out and we can see walls built in front of caves which are temporary homes for the goats and sheepherders. Sometimes it is possible to see rabbits and the rare blue sheep in this area. The open widen trail finally reaches Shyangboche village.

Overnight at teahouse.
Meal: (Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner)

Day 6

Trek to Dhakmar 3450m/5-6 hours.

Today we will trek to Dhakmar village. Trek duration will be 5-6 hours. After breakfast at Syangboche, we climb gently to a small pass with extraordinary views of the soaring peak of Nilgiri, Tilicho, and Annapurna in the south. After 40 minutes of the walk leads to Ghiling village and visit the Monastery. Then you will climb the Karki La Pass (4026m) that lies behind the Ghiling school. When you reach the second hilltop you will have a view of Dhaulagiri mountain on your right side in the southwest direction.  After that again 40 minutes of gentle walk through the valley will take you to the Karki La. It looks easy from distance but it’s really exhausting with a gentle ascent pass. The path descends gradually towards the Ghami La pass and on the way we see a rundown, Ghami village surrounding the field, Nepal's longest Mani wall, and partial red cliffs of Dhakmar. Afternoon your lunch at Ghami you will trek to Dhakmar (red clip village) via next to the longest Mani Wall.  

Overnight at Teahouse.
Meal: (Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner)

Day 7

Trek from Dhakmar to Lo-Manthang (3750m) via Ghar Gompa - Observe First day of Tiji Festival.

After leaving Dhakmar village we climb up the yellow canyon to Mui La (4170m). After 45 minutes of walking from Mui la, we will reach the Lo-Gyakar Gompa –The oldest Buddhist monastery in the world. There we will have lunch. As usual, we start our trek to Lo Manthang after lunch via Chogo La (4280 m). The trek will be 4-5 hours. At first, the trek will be a long climb to Lungri La at 4070m. After crossing the Lungri la we will walk through a small valley of Marmot spot and finally after a gentle climb will reach Chogo La. From Chogo la we will have a view towards the borderline of Nepal and china once used to be Tibet. After descending toward Karak valley we will follow the left route toward Thingker village. It takes two more hours to reach Lo-Manthang.  we will see Yaks on the way if the summer nomadic camps are still there. Observe Tiji Festival Dance in the afternoon.

Overnight in a local homestay.
Meal: (Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner). 

Day 8

Visit Monasteries and observe Second day Tiji Festival Lo-Manthang 3840m.

Today after breakfast, we will visit the three main monasteries of Lo-Manthang they are Thubchen, Jampa, and Choede. After that, we will explore this ancient walled city and observe the mask dance in the afternoon.

Overnight at Teahouse.
Meal: (Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner)

Day 9

Visit Chosar Caves, Monasteries and observe Final Day of Tiji Festival Lo-Manthang 3840m.

Today Morning you will hike to Chosar and explore old caves, monasteries, and traditional cave houses.  And Return to Lo-Manthang for lunch and afternoon will be spare time to enjoy the opening of the Tiji festival. (OPTIONAL) Riding a horse or taking a jeep is optional with your personal expenses. 

Overnight at Teahouse.
Meal: (Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner)

Day 10

Trek from Lo Manthang (3750m) to Yara (3580m). 5-6 hours

From Lo-Manthang the trail walks straight till Dhi pass 4100 m and descends down to Dhee village. So, the whole trekking will be 7-8 hours including lunch and break times. The trekking will be more rewarding and interesting than the west side of the valley. Dhi village is one of the best villages of the whole Lo-Manthang and it seems more prosperous and settled in a very suitable place. After having lunch in Dhee village we will trek to Yara.

Overnight at Teahouse.
Meal: (Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner)

Day 11

Rest Day at Yara visit Luri Gompa.

Today, we climb up to reach Luri Cave Monastery via Gara village and on the way back we will visit Tashi Kabung Chorten. Locals believe that there are 108 Kabung (Stupa) and only a few of them are discovered.

Overnight at Teahouse.
Meal: (Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner)

Day 12

Trek Tange (3,340m) 5-6 hours.

We leave Yara along a high winding path. This soon leads down to the Dhechaeng river which runs from the Damodar Kund. The trail just crosses the small river of melting ice water and then we climb up for around 2 hours to DHEY village along the winding desert mountain path to the Lo-Pa village of Tange. Buddhist inhabitants and are mostly busy in local businesses; the small foothills roll away to distance horizons sheltering the villagers from the gentle winds coming in from the valley. From the village, you turn your face to the north and we see some sandy cliffs over several hundred years old. Finally, we find the small Tangye village here.

Overnight at Teahouse.
Meal: (Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner)

Day 13

Tange to Chhusang/Tetang (3,067m) 10-12 hours and Drive to Kagbeni

We leave packing our lunch and we climb some steps & then cross over a suspension bridge following the trail to the right side. Soon we reach at Yak River before climbing a terraced hill station of 4,210m. It is the highest point of the Upper Mustang trip, which takes about 2:30 hours. From here you can see Damodar Himal and Saribung Himal at (6,346m). No houses but only the ruins remain here but drinking water sources are available. Now the trail descends down the hill, and right in time, you can see the village either Chhuksang or Tetang. Due to the 10 days of the limited permit, we will drive by jeep to Kagbeni on the same day. 

Overnight at Teahouse.
Meal: (Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner)

Day 14

Drive to Muktinath and visit temples and drive back to Marpha.

Today we will have a late breakfast as we had walked long hours from Tange to Chhusang. After breakfast, we will drive by jeep to Muktinath and visit the main temple, Guru Marme Gompa, Budha Park, and even take a short walk to Guru Rinpoche Statue for the best view of Muktinath town.  After lunch, we will drive to Marpha for overnight. In the evening you can also do some shopping where you can find many local products such as Marpha brandy, dry apples, dry apricot, etc. 

Overnight at Teahouse.
Meal: (Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner)

Day 15

Drive from Marpha to Pokhara via Baglung

Today you will leave to Pokhara by overland drive and stop at different places such as Rupche water fall, Galeshwor Hindu temple (just upper viewpoint without visit), Golden Gandaki Suspension bridge. On arrival to Pokhara in the late afternoon take a boat in Phewa lake.

Overnight at the hotel with a BB basis.

Day 16

Tourist Bus Journey from Pokhara to Kathmandu

After having breakfast your trip starts with a drive back from Pokhara to Katmandu by tourist Coach about 6-7 hours driving (or take a short 30-minute flight) and overnight is arranged in Kathmandu as per the agreed category with BB Plan. At evening Himalayan Wander Walkers will invite you to join in a farewell dinner in a typical Nepalese cultural restaurant.

Overnight at Hotel with BB basis.

Day 17

Final Departure to your port of Destination

We are saying goodbye as your journey to Nepal comes to an end today. If you have more time you can do some shopping or sightseeing. Approximately 3-4 hours before your scheduled flight a representative from Himalayan Wander walkers will take you to the airport. On your way home you'll have plenty of time to plan your next adventure in the wonderful country of Nepal.

This trek can be done in 19 days and less according to your time availability.



Airport pick up and drop off
Taxi/bus to the start and end of the trek
English-speaking government license holder trekking guide
One porter for two persons
Trekking guide’s and porter’s insurance during the trip
TIMS trekking permit
Annapurna conservation permit
Special permit of USD 500
Domestic flight from Pokhara to Jomsom and back to Pokhara
Accommodation during the trek
Fooding (breakfst, lunch and dinner) during trek
Hotel in Kathmandu, Pokhara


Meals & drinks in Kathmandu (unless stated otherwise under ‘The trip cost includes’)
Personal trekking equipment
Travel/medical insurance
Emergency rescue evacuation
Phone calls
Photography and video charge
monastery entry fee
International air ticket
Tips for your trekking guide & porters at the end of the trek
If you’re forced to extend your trek due to bad weather or natural disaster circumstances, we are not liable to pay any compensation or otherwise be responsible for any expenses you may incur
Anything not mentioned in the ‘includes section’

Route Map

Tiji Festival in Upper Mustang

Fixed Departure Dates ( Limited Seats Available)

Trip Dates Trip Costs Actions

18 May, 2025 - 03 Jun, 2025

$2500 Join Now

Important Information


  • Valid passport (valid for six months from the date of your trip)
  • One other picture ID, such as driver’s license (in case of emergency and for use as a substitute of passport or in case of loss of your passport) Photocopy of passport page to carry in a wallet
  • Air tickets (Make a copy of flight tickets which may be helpful, in case of loss)
  • Visa Clearance (Make a copy of visa clearance which may be helpful, in case of emergencies)
  • MasterCard, Visa Credit, and Debit Cards are accepted in Nepal. However, traveler's cheques and some cash are highly recommended.
  • Mobile (if your cell phone is from CINGULAR USA or ATNT (USA) operators then your cell phone will  work in Nepal.)

Guiding, Food, and Lodging During Tiji Festival
In Nepal, all trekking supplies - Teahouse trekking means staying and eating in local lodges. We stay in single rooms where possible, but often you will have to share. The rooms are basic, normally just a bed with a pillow, blankets. A few have electric lights and all have a spacious dining room-lounge. We eat at teahouses and, although the food is usually plentiful and delicious, the menu is not expensive. They offer a variety of potatoes, rice and noodle dishes, as well as soup and seasonal vegetables. Beers and local spirits are often available, but that will be at your own cost. A variety of cereals, bread, and egg dishes are generally available for breakfast. There are also snacks available such as basic biscuits, chocolate, and soft drinks and in some areas, you will find fresh fruit in season. It is normal to meet your porter in the teahouse where you will stay overnight. So, pack your necessary things in your own day pack.


  • Shirt (either half or full sleeve)
  • Full pants/long skirts
  • Any type of shoes with socks
  • No Hats, No Umbrella, No Slippers, No t-shirts, No short skirt, and No half-pants
  • Photographs allowed in the courtyard only.

Frequently Asked Question

Although trekking gear is available in Nepal you are advised to bring your own gear.

Trekking or running shoes Camp shoes or thongs Socks (polypropylene)

Down or fiber-filled jacket Jumper or piled jacket Hiking shorts Waterproof jackets, poncho or umbrella Hiking pants T-shirts or blouses Underwear Sun hat

Rucksack Self Inflating Sleeping Mattress (optional) Water bottle Torch, batteries, and bulbs